£57.99 GBP
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"Pets Name" is required
"Species" is required
"Breed" is required
"Weight (KG)" is required
"Age (Years / Months)" is required
"Is the pet healthy?" is required
"Is the pet pregnant or lactating?" is required
"Do you require further information about using the product?" is required
"Prescription Notice: I acknowledge that a written veterinary prescription is required for this product and that if I fail to provide a prescription, the order for the prescription product will be cancelled and refunded" is required
"Single use prescription notice: I understand that if my prescription is for a single use only that the full prescription balance must be ordered in a single order. Any balance not ordered in the first order will be lost." is required
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£57.99 GBP.

Atopica Solution for Dogs & Cats contains Ciclosporin and is used in the symptomatic treatment of chronic allergic dermatitis in cats, and the treatment of chronic manifestations of atopic dermatitis in dogs.


  • Do not use in animals with hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients.
  • Do not use in animals with a history of malignant disorders or progressive malignant disorders.
  • Do not vaccinate with a live vaccine during treatment or within a two-week interval before or after treatment (see also “Special precautions for use” and “Interaction with other medicinal products”).
  • Do not use in cats infected with FeLV or FIV.
  • Do not use in dogs less than six months of age or less than 2 kg in weight.

Contains Ciclosporin 100 mg/ml.

5ml and 17ml bottle sizes available.

For more information, including special precautions, please visit: http://www.noahcompendium.co.uk/?id=-462231

Qty available: 997 SKU:CIATO08