£29.99 GBP
Taxes included in the price

Advantage 100 Flea Treatment contains Imidacloprid and is for dogs from 4kg-10kg. It is used for the prevention and treatment of flea infestations and biting lice (Trichodectes canis).

Fleas are killed within one day following treatment. One treatment prevents further flea infestation for up to four weeks on dogs, three to four weeks on cats and up to one week on pet rabbits. The product can be used as part of a treatment strategy for Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD) in the cat and the dog, where this has been previously diagnosed by a veterinary surgeon.

Advantage 100 can be used in puppies aged 8 weeks and older.

Treatment should be applied topically every month.

Dosage Information:

Apply 1 pipette to the back of the neck and repeat every 4 weeks.

If your pet is under 4kg, please use Advantage 40 for dogs.

For more information please use the following link: http://www.noahcompendium.co.uk/?id=-446209

Qty available: 1083 SKU:BAADV61